Saudi Extreme 4T SAE 20W50 API SN JASO MA 1L TIN 2Pcs Combo Specification and Price

Saudi Extreme 4T SAE 20W50 API SN JASO MA 1L TIN 2Pcs Combo

Saudi Extreme 4T SAE 20W50 API SN JASO MA 1L TIN 2Pcs Combo
  • Saudi-Extreme-4T-SAE-20W50-API-SN-1642057203.jpg


Type: Engine Oil
Brand: Saudi
Origin: Saudi Arabia

SAUDI XTREME 4T Semi-Synthetic Engine Oil is a new motor oil that delivers the latest development of lubricating oil technology to maximize protection for the newest gasoline-fueled engines. It meets the highest performance level of API SN and exceeds the most demanding requirements of modern engine’s emission control and oil consumption standards. In today’s energy-conscious era, SAUDI XTREME 4T is also formulated to improve fuel efficiency for consumers.
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