Liqui Molly Engine Flush Specification and Price

Liqui Molly Engine Flush

Liqui Molly Engine Flush
  • liqui molly engine flush-1655197682.jpg


Type: Engine Oil
Brand: Liqui Moly
Origin: Germany

Liqui Molly Engine Flush is a Highly efficient cleaning agent for removing problematic deposits from the engine interior. creates a suspension of all varieties of oil-soluble and oil-insoluble residues, which are then removed from the oil circuit during the subsequent oil change. The engine can then operate at its peak efficiency after being cleaned of deposits and contaminants and receiving fresh oil. As a result, the engine's wear is decreased and its service life is increased. for both diesel and gasoline engines. can be used safely in vehicles that have toothed belts that run in oil. 600 ml of oil can be diluted with 300 ml. Use with wet clutch motorcycles is not recommended!
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