Would You Still Buy it Now at 2,10,000 TK? Yamaha FZ-S V2 | Maffick

Would You Still Buy it Now at 2,10,000 TK? Yamaha FZ-S V2 | Maffick

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Would You Still Buy it Now at 2,10,000 TK? Yamaha FZ-S V2 | Maffick
What I have said are totally my opinions! You are welcome to disagree with me brothers.
BTW I did mention about the Pulsar NS160 Carburetor ABS at the last part of the video!
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Thank you so much for watching, please subscribe my channel.

Track: Sad LO-FI, Piano Beat [LOFI Music] by MOKKA / Early Morning https://youtu.be/5UXbFdfFQ-E
Music provided by "MokkaMusic" channel and https://inaudio.org

#yamaha #fzsv2
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