In terms of Bangladesh numerous motorcycle brand are appreciated to be the best of the best. However, our own motorcycle manufacturing companies are also included there with international brands. As a Domestic motorcycle manufacturer WALTON is a big name.
Walton is the latest multinational electrical, electronics, automobiles and other appliances brand with one of the largest well equipped R & I facilities in the world carried out its production through different subsidiaries under the banner of Walton group headquarters in Bangladesh. They used to provide variety of Motorcycles in our local market, but that was a past story. Now the motorcycle production ration is almost next to zero, as a result people almost forgot that Walton has motorcycles. As we mentioned earlier Walton is a multinational electrical, electronics, Automobiles Company, which is why they came up with the idea of making E-bikes to save the emission and bring in the greenery again into our country. They stopped bike production but now they have Electric bikes for their users. Walton Takyon is the name of their E- bike section and they are trying to unite almost the top notch features in it with reasonable price. Two of them are initially running successfully in our local market and hopefully they will came up with new ideas and range of new products. Walton is working on carrying the flag of red and green into the global market presence from the present 40 countries to more than 200 countries to dominate Go Global and the top five Electronics Brand of the Globe within 2030. To do that they have plans with not only other electronic gadgets, but also E-bikes will be their primary concern as well.