TIMSUN 120/80-12 TS-668R Specification and Price

TIMSUN 120/80-12 TS-668R

TIMSUN 120/80-12 TS-668R
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TIMSUN 120/80-12 TS-668R Specifications

Type: Street Tyres
Brand: Timsun
Model: TS-668R
Origin: China
Tyre Size: 120/80-12

Dimension: 120/80-12
Section: 120
Position: Rear
Rim Size: 12
Special compound design provide a good grip ability, cold tires can quickly enter the working state;Highland design enhances a larger contact surface, improving dry road grip performance;Optimized structure design,increasing the contact area with the ground, increase the traction in the turn and holding performance, make the tyre bend more smoothly;Suitable for city road and amateur track.

Price: Tk. 4000
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